Let us run with endurance the race set before us (Hebrews 12:1)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Truth Runner Commencement

At long last I have realized an outlet for the expression of my "rantings"... a term I like but must give credit to Dennis Miller. Dennis is well known for his work on Saturday night Live, stand-up comedy, a short stint on Monday Night Football (a little too cerebral for Joe six-pack) and most recently a conservative radio talk show. That is a courageous stance in and of itself for someone in the "Entertainment" business. The Hollywood crowd does not care for those of us "on" the right and "in" the right, especially people of their ilk, like Dennis. he may not make too many "A" lists but I'm sure his rant would be "who cares". You go Dennis!

Enough about Mr. Miller... I will have my own rants which will cover topics such as politics and religion (two subjects that may get one silenced in polite company), sports and entertainment (especially baseball which has sadly ended until spring of '08... and movies), the state of family, marriage, faith, work/career and the future of America (a very ambitious undertaking, I know). What is your passion? I hope to trigger something in your psyche to want to participate in expressing you comments. Yes, I am a closet columnist or radio talk show host in my own mind but I will defer to this blog to lay out my rules and rants to live by.

My blog is named Truth Runner because the truth may be the most difficult concept to grasp - on many levels. At our most primitive level, we as humans can't agree on where we come from, why we are here (our purpose) or where we are going when we die ( death is a concept most, if not all, do agree on). These three questions could begin quite a bit of dialog. I challenge you to ask someone you love.

Were we created by a supreme being and intelligent designer or did we involve from a tub of goo? Oops I guess I gave away my belief in that. Well, lets keep going then, shall we? Can we understand that if the Earth were the size of a golf ball, 996,000 of Earth golf balls would fit into that bright star we know as the Sun. Can you imagine that picture... and the Sun would be a speck compared to a few other stars and planets that make up the Universe. How far should I take this? There are so many facts that I would love to recite here but it can wait for another post. Stay tuned.

To get an idea of why we are here, look to Pastor Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life" which sold over 20 million copies. The opening line in the book is "It's not about you"... Does that statement capture a generation or two? I'm thinking "The Greatest Generation"got it for the most part; the Baby Boomers didn't. Generation X... No. And last but not least, there is that little matter of physical death, salvation, heaven and hell. If you get the idea that there may be a Christian worldview prevalent , you would be correct. John 3:16 states "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life". Christian author Max Lucado recently wrote and released an entire book around that verse simply titled 3:16. Who wants that promise?

We will explore this worldview in many subsequent writings and in many subjects and topics that our culture presents. Time to get on the bus... the truth-runner tour is beginning.

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