Let us run with endurance the race set before us (Hebrews 12:1)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Free Speech Never Tasted So Good

Oh what a night!  The most amazing place to be on Wednesday, August 1st was at the Northridge Chick-fil-A restaurant. There were literally thousands of people throughout the day and night patiently waiting to buy a chicken sandwich in support of beleaguered COO Dan Cathy and his wonderful family-run business.  This action, termed Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day was repeated all over the country in over 1600 restaurants. Never underestimate the will and heart of the American people when their values are questioned and their liberty is at stake.  While the company would not give specific amounts, they reported it was indeed a record day. 

If you have been following the recent frenzy over Mr. Cathy’s remarks where he simply expresses his Christian and Biblical view of marriage between one man and one woman… then you can understand the outbursts from those in the same sex marriage camp coming down on what they perceive as a radical, hateful, intolerant viewpoint. Same- old, same-old from the Left?

But it became a free speech issue when the mayors of Boston, Chicago and other cities publicly stated that Chick-fil- A would not be welcome in their cities, because of Mr. Cathy’s views, which are summed up in their mission statement, “The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect –regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender,” How threatening to the community!!

 Isn't it ironic that Mr. Cathy is being vilified for holding the same view of marriage as President Obama held until a few months ago... until he turned, well, chicken.

It is no secret Chick-fil-A has upheld their Christian values for years by publicly expressing their decision to close on Sundays so their employees can attend Church services if they wish and spend a day with their families. That has been described as "cultish" in certain circles. Honestly?

 It was all very encouraging to experience the fellowship of others who believe in liberty and the values that our country should be celebrating while waiting hours in a snaking line through the parking lot.  If we can count on this enthusiasm in November, Mr. Obama will ride into the sunset -- or at least back to Chicago –where Chick-fil-A is not welcome (more irony). 

Unlike the gruesome “Occupy” movement, this crowd couldn’t have been more polite and the restaurant staff more cordial and calm in the face of a relentless onslaught of hungry diners. This is the only San Fernando Valley location of the popular national chain.  What an event to showcase their excellent food and first class service, to many first time patrons, to not only support a wonderful well-meaning business but also because the food, atmosphere and service is excellent.  As citizens of a free market economy, that is the quintessential American experience!  Count me in!