Let us run with endurance the race set before us (Hebrews 12:1)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spring Break in Four Words

Pitchers and Catchers Report!  There may be many a sweeter verse in the English language, but none more pertinent at this time of the year.  Yes, the annual rites of spring and the coming baseball season are making its way through our culture once again… a sure sign that there is a God.  It is the quintessential American experience and recreational diversion in a world filled with financial, political and spiritual upheaval.
Not that we haven’t been entertained and sidetracked through the winter by football, Tebow and the Republican debates.  More recently, a global tidal wave has surrounded another young, Christian athlete –Jeremy Lin-- who has taken the basketball world by storm.  And it’s a much bigger storm in China. The Lin story has been wonderful with its unlikely component of an Asian kid from Harvard getting his chance to shine brightly on the big stage of the Big Apple with the New York Knicks being the last stop before oblivion.  While Tebow at least has a stellar college career, Lin emerged from total obscurity to forge a commendable run in his point guard role.  More importantly to me was the timing of Lin’s ascent, who was thrust into the spotlight to fill the slow-news sports gap between the Super Bowl  and those four glorious words appearing in sports sections and on the lips of sports reporters around the country.  The world may need love, sweet love, and look to Lin but it needs the return of baseball more.  Can I get an Amen?
But don’t take my word for it.  A noted French born American historian, named Jacques Barzun has what might be the best, most comprehensive quote ever attributed to the game; "Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball....” 
Noted political pundit, intellectual and rabid baseball fan George Will was asked on his Sunday political roundtable what movie will win Best Picture.  As a man who is highly paid to give opinions, he responded as one might expect with this year’s crop of nominees… His pick was the only film he “actually understood” (his quote) – and that was Moneyball, which he saw four times, because “what else is on TV… until the real games begin”.  In terms of art imitating life, Hollywood has always been enthralled with the sport of baseball and its visceral beauty and simple quality.  Its film history would be household names (Pride of the Yankees, Field of Dreams, Bull Durham, and The Natural).  Even it’s ballparks are legendary – Chicago’s Wrigley Field, Boston’s Fenway Park and Yankee Stadium, “the House that Ruth built”  (until the new one opened a few years back).  No other sport conjures up descriptions of sports stadiums as cathedrals… hence the religious overtones of this great sport.
Will hasn’t been the lone scholarly voice espousing the cerebral underpinnings of the game.  Bart Giamatti was the president of Yale before being appointed to the post of Baseball Commissioner.  Critics were aghast!  Giamatti explained it away by saying, "There are a lot of people who know me who can't understand for the life of them why I would go to work on something as unserious as baseball. If they only knew."  
Therein also lies its beauty... it appeals to the intelligent, the affluent, the poor, the foreigner and the average Joe.  Giamatti as a college president certainly had a way with words and waxed poetic during his Ivy League tenure expressing this sentiment about baseball which still resonates today as a connection to American life:  It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone."  We in Southern California may not relate to ‘chill rains’ in the form of weather but we all share in the flawed human condition often enough to grasp the magnitude of that vision.
The game also derives its richness from one of our most influential and important human relationships –that of a father and son. Playing catch with Dad becomes a rite of passage from toddler status to “kid”.  Who can forget picking out their first baseball glove, that first bat and donning that cap with the rolled brim and attending that first big league game?  Like a Norman Rockwell vision, many of our earliest memories of growing up revolve around those activities. 
This is not to suggest that our fair-maiden gender be excluded… not by a long shot. My mother is 91 years old, lives in Philadelphia and every time I speak with her between November and February she never fails to convey her impatience for the season to begin so she can watch her beloved Phillies. During the season our phone calls begin with three questions; “How’s the weather,” What time is it out there?” and “How ’bout those Phillies?”  Is there a better way to spend 6+ months of the year than watching our national pastime in your 90’s?  
Not to be outdone, my wife Angela has also joined the baseball bandwagon. We spend many spring and summer nights captivated by the golden voice of Vin Scully over the TV and radio airwaves or in attendance at Dodger games (yes we still are among the shrinking legions of fans interspersed throughout the park).  She can even recite the sacred four words that are bound to ignite a growing bond between us.  Equipped with this new found jargon and love for the Dodgers, she has spearheaded a trip to Arizona this month to wallow in the leisure of life’s simplicity that is spring training.
The good news, or so I’m told, is that there must be baseball in Heaven. I just hope I’m not pitching anytime soon. The advent of pitchers and catchers reporting is a little like Heaven on earth.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Truth Runner: To Awaken a Sleeping Giant

Truth Runner: To Awaken a Sleeping Giant: We have all heard the expressions “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie” … some of us even follow it as good advice. But here we have a President, i...

To Awaken a Sleeping Giant

We have all heard the expressions “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie” … some of us even follow it as good advice.  But here we have a President, intelligent by anyone’s estimations, choosing the opposite path and deciding to poke Rover during his afternoon siesta.

In this fragile and fractious atmosphere that is America today, there is no reason to pick a fight with the Catholic Church.  But he did!

One might think he has built up such high levels of goodwill that allow him to indulge his ideology anywhere he wants, including religious organizations. He has not!     

Catholics are protesting the presidents signing of a bill put forth by Health and Human Services (HHS) that requires nearly all employers -- even Catholic ones -- who provide insurance to their employees to include coverage of birth control services.  Churches and church-affiliated secondary schools are exempt from the rule, but other organizations with religious affiliations -- including universities, charities, and hospitals -- must comply.  This is not a minor imposition or small infraction. There should be a realization that 1 in 6 Americans utilize the Catholic hospitals and Health Care establishments.  

The Catholic Church in the United States, with 77 million members is the largest single religious denomination in the United States, comprising about 27% of the electorate.  Obama won 54% of the Catholic vote in 2008…  He can ill-afford to turn off such a large contingent of supporters. The administration is treading in dangerous water here. Catholics don’t vote as a straight bloc, but winning the Catholic vote is critical to winning elections.

Catholics also don’t necessarily all agree on every issue. There are plenty of pro-choice voters, who presumably don’t want to follow Catholic teaching.   That is sad and unfortunate!  If they just voted consistent with Biblical and Church beliefs on the sanctity of life question, they could send a strong message to Obama and the legion of Democrats who unequivocally support abortion rights. Of course Obama (or any Democrat) could never harness anywhere near a majority of Evangelicals, period.  He received a meager 25% in the 2008 election.  Presumably, this fact alone would cause the Administration to avoid riling up the Catholic masses (no pun intended).  And to throw salt on the wound, many Catholics live in the battleground states.  So my Catholic friends … how will you vote?

Politics aside, there is a First Amendment issue here which provides for the free exercise of religion.  Many people, myself included, believe the administration is on the wrong side of the Constitution.  The “audacity” (but not of “Hope”) and arrogance it takes to order religious institutions to go against their doctrine and beliefs are nothing short of astounding. 

Just so we are clear… The final ruling, (by HHS)  says that starting on Aug. 1, 2013, health plans must cover all FDA-approved contraceptives, including hormonal contraceptives such as birth control pills; implanted devices such as intrauterine devices (IUDs); Plan B emergency contraceptives (the "morning-after" pill); and sterilization -- all without charging a co-pay, coinsurance, or a deductible. The plans will not have to cover abortions, however.  Isn’t that special? (Apologies to the Church Lady)

The mandate was eloquently summed up this way: “In effect, the president is saying we have a year to figure out how to violate our consciences,” said Cardinal-designate Timothy M. Dolan, archbishop of New York and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

The cardinal-designate continued, “To force American citizens to choose between violating their consciences and forgoing their healthcare is literally unconscionable. It is as much an attack on access to health care as on religious freedom. Historically this represents a challenge and a compromise of our religious liberty."

Catholics took to the pulpits last Sunday to issue statements and bulletins for churchgoers to contact their members of Congress to support legislation reversing the rule.  How many of the 77 million American Catholics heard this battle-cry proclamation?  Catholic conservatives, in lockstep with Evangelicals will oppose the administration’s decision.  But will we hear the sound of Catholic liberals slipping  away from their rock solid support of this sitting President who once again seems out of touch politically as well as morally.

That’s why we’ll need all hands on deck to keep Catholics in the column of the candidate and party that best represents Catholic social teaching on foundational issues as life, marriage, family and religious freedom in 2012.  Catholics need to make that “right” turn now… and don't let the same dog bite you twice!